Adding An Action Network Action As A Page To Your Space

Adding An Action Network Action As A Page To Your Space

There are many ways to share your Action Network Action, but there may be an action or actions that you want to add as a page to your Space on the Member's Site so it is easily accessible to anyone visiting your Space. In this article we'll show you how to add a Sign-Up Form to your Space, but the steps are the same for any action.

1. From your Space hit the cog icon to bring up the drop-down menu below. And select Modules.

2. On the next page head to Custom pages and click the button marked Enable.

3. Once this Module is enabled click on the cog icon again and select Custom Pages.

4. Click on +Create new page

5. On the row labelled iFrame click +Add.

6. In the field marked Target Url, paste in the link to your action. If you want to track how many people complete your Action from this page just add ?Source=Spaces to the end of your Action URL.

7. Complete the rest of the form. The Title is what will appear in your side menu and be visible to members. The Icon will appear alongside the title in the side menu- there are plenty to choose from so there should be one that relates to your Action type. You only need to complete the Title, Icon and Target URL fields.

8. Once you've saved your page it will appear in the side menu of your Space.

9. Clicking it will open up the Action page within Spaces.

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