How To Add Individual Emails To An Email Campaign
1. From the Start Organising menu click on PEOPLE, move your cursor over Emails and select the list icon that appears.
2. Find the email you want to add to your campaign and click on Manage.
3. Beneath the Email title you'll see a series of buttons, click on the button labelled Add To Email Campaign.
4. On the next page you can click into the text field and select the Email Campaign from the list that appears. Alternatively, you can start typing the name of the Email Campaign and select it when it appears. Once you selected the Campaign click the button marked SAVE AND ADD EMAIL TO CAMPAIGN.
5. You can repeat the steps above for each email you want to add to the Campaign.
How To Add Several Existing Emails To An Email Campaign
1. From the Start Organising menu click on PEOPLE. Move your cursor over Email and click on the list icon that appears.
2. Beneath your list of Emails you'll see a second section titles Email Campaigns.
3. Find the Campaign you want to add Emails to and click on Manage.
4. Beneath the Campaign title you will see some buttons. Click on the one labelled Add Existing Emails.
5. Clicking into the text box labelled Select existing emails will open up a list of all emails that are not already a part of this Campaign. You can either select them from the list by clicking on them, or start typing the name of the email to narrow down the list.
6. Once you've selected all of the Emails you want to add click on the button labelled ADD SELECTED EMAILS.
Add A New Email On Creation From The Email Campaign Management Page
1. From the Start Organising menu click on PEOPLE. Move your cursor over Email and click on the list icon that appears.
2. Beneath your list of Emails you'll see a second section titles Email Campaigns.
3. Find the Campaign you want to add Emails to and click on Manage.
4. Beneath the Campaign title you will see some buttons. Click on the one labelled Create and Add New Email.
5. You'll be taken to the Email Editor. Just create your Email as you usually would, and it will appear within your Email Campaign.