Shortly after joining the Green Party you'll receive an email inviting you to sign up to hear from self-organised groups within the party. You may hear these groups described as special interest groups, or liberation groups. If you've missed the email, you can sign up to the below groups by
clicking here.
Which Special Interest Groups Can I Sign Up To Hear From?
Greens of Colour (GOC)
Greens of Colour are the POC and BAME group within the Green party. We work to challenge racism, inequality, and climate catastrophe.
Green Party Women (GPW)
Green Party Women supports, protects, enables, and empowers Women to do green politics better!
LGBTIQA+ Greens advances the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer, and Asexual people. Discrimination remains in many areas of life such as housing, education, employment and health and LGBTIQA+ Greens campaign against this.
Jewish Greens
Jewish Greens offer advice and guidance on issues of importance to Jewish members, and the Green Party as a whole regarding Jews and Judaism.
Green Party Disability Group
Green Party Disability Group supports disabled members of the Green Party in their activities within the Green Party and campaigns on disability issues at local, regional, national, European, and international level.
Green Seniors
Green Seniors is part of the Green Party of England and Wales, with the object of promoting co-operation with similar bodies throughout UK, Europe and worldwide, encouraging and supporting, understanding on matters affecting senior citizens.
Greens For Animal Protection (GAP)
Greens For Animal Protection is a Green Party initiative which aims to develop policy on animal protection issues and also campaign for animals.
Green Party Trade Union Group
Green Party Trade Union Group is a group of trade unionists in the Green Party building solidarity and fighting for a better world with organised working people at its heart.

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