Updating Your Details Through The New Green Party Member's Website
2. Once logged in click on the orange "My Membership" button in the top right.
3. You'll be presented with a second login screen to access your membership.
4. Enter the email address associated with your membership and hit the Continue button. You'll receive a one-time passcode to that email address. Once you have it just enter it on the next screen.
If you haven't received the one-time passcode check your Spam/Junk folder. If it's not there then double-check you're using the correct email address.
5. On the next screen you'll see options for Account Information, Billing & Shipping Addresses, Payment Methods & Billing History.
- To update your email address, name or phone number click on Account Information.
- To update your address click on Billing & Shipping Addresses.
6. On the next screen you'll see your existing details. Click on these and you'll see the form below. Enter your new details and click update.
7. You'll return to the previous screen where you'll be able to see your new details have saved.
If you've updated your address you'll be added to your new local and regional party automatically, and subscribed to their mailing list. You won't be unsubscribed from your previous party though, in case you want to keep in touch. You can always manage your email preferences through Action Network.

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