When raising a support request to the team there are some things that can really help reduce the time it’ll take for us to resolve your query.
Be Specific: Try to tell us what you're trying to achieve, and what issue you're facing.
Reference Support: If you've followed a particular support guide, please let us know which one and at what point the process fails.
Include Details: If your issue is related to a particular Activist or their record, be sure to include details to help us identify them. As a minimum, we’d hope to see their full name and email address.
Check If The Request Needs Approval: Some requests require approval from your group’s Chair. It’s best if these requests come directly from the Chair to prevent any delays. Alternatively, you can copy the Chair into your email to us, and we will place the ticket on hold until the chair emails us to confirm the request.
Things that need Chair approval tend to relate to the provisioning of software, or access. For example, email addresses, Action Network administration, or WordPress sites.
Include Error Messages: If you encounter an error message let us know what it says.
Include Screenshots: If you’ve taken any screenshots that show what’s happening don’t hesitate to attach them to your request.
Links Can Help Too: If you need help with a particular webpage, report, email, or activist record- send the link. It’ll really save us time in trying to find the page you need us to look at.
Files: If you're working with a particular file, make sure to include it as an attachment, or link to the online version.
ID Yourself: If you need us to make changes to your details or reset your password it’s important we can verify who you are. Please make sure to include your full name, and postal address with these requests. We may ask additional verification questions before we can complete your request.
Confirm You're Authorised To Make Changes: If you're contacting us to make changes to an Activist Record, in your capacity as local party officer, make sure to confirm to us that you've been in contact with the Activist and they have authorised the changes.